There's usually also an option for PC, but not everyone can afford to have computers that can handle the requirements of multiple games.

On the contrary, there are many games that are on mobile while not having a console counterpart. Updated Apby Jouanna Bondakji: Mobile gaming hasn't been left behind by developers in the gaming industry. So, game developers will continue to try and bridge the gap between mobile gamers and the multiplayer experience, an effort that has already brought about these exceptional co-op mobile games.

With the accessibility that comes with the nature of a mobile game, the ability to link up and play with a friend has an appeal that cannot be ignored. The game features 3,000 original questions for 2010, and 50 comical whammy animations, as seen on the television show.RELATED: The Mobile Games With The Best Storylines However if the lit square contains a "whammy" - the show's greedy little cartoon character mascot - the player loses all money and must begin again from zero. If the lit square contains money or merchandise, the value us added to the point total. Flashing lights move from square to square, revealing different prizes and pitfalls, and players press a button to stop the moving lights and claim the item currently displayed on the lit square. Spins are taken on a large, rectangular board with squares around its border. Correct answers are awarded spins, which are used to earn money and win the game. Any player can be the first to buzz in with an answer as the question is being revealed. As on TV, three contestants compete to be the first to correctly answer trivia questions, which are often based on pop culture or current events.

Players begin by creating custom avatars to represent them in the game.