To further increase your Persona's power beyond level 99, you have to navigate to the Persona menu and press "Make Legendary".The HUD elements themselves were developed using both a 1080p and a 2K monitor, so they will look their absolute best at those resolutions! It is recommended that you play with a 1080p monitor or higher though, as Garry's Mod can only scale text to a certain degree. Persona Mod HUD elements are designed to scale with your Garry's Mod resolution.Reload (or R) - Cycle between Skill Cards.RMB - Use Special attack (if Melee Skill Card is highlighted on your HUD, this will mark it as your current Melee ability).Here are the controls while using a Persona (assuming you've bound the above keys):.EXAMPLE: bind "downarrow" "persona_updateskilltable".EXAMPLE: bind "mouse5" "target_persona".EXAMPLE: bind "mouse4" "summon_persona".To use your Persona, you must first put these controls in your console:.